There are a host of benefits to finding out your love language and finding out your partner’s love language as well. In addition to the obvious benefits it has for your current relationship, becoming attuned to your and your partner’s love languages can also increase our capacity for empathy, our ability to connect with others, and our gratitude as well.
Many of us will read the list of five love languages and find that more than one applies to what we would like in a partner. For some of us, all five are crucial to a successful relationship.
To identify one’s own love language, it can be beneficial to look back on your prior relationships and analyze what you liked or did not like about your partner’s behavior. Perhaps it bothered you that your partner rarely or never said “I love you,” or you might have been hurt when a partner forgot to get you a birthday present. Take note of these things and how they made you feel and use these experiences to figure out your own love language and how to apply it to future relationships.
Love languages are like any language. It can be frustrating when what you’re trying to communicate to someone is not understood, and vice versa. This is why love language is crucial. The proof is in the science: paying attention to your partner’s love language can increase satisfaction in romantic relationships.
One aspect of the various love languages that might cause confusion is that of physical touch. It is important to remember that physical touch as a love language is not merely the same thing as sex. Many of us might feel more loved when we receive non-sexual physical contact such as hugs. However, sexuality and meeting your partner’s physical and sexual needs can also be an important part of love language.
Maybe you don’t have the adequate relationship experience to be quite sure of your language at this point in time. Perhaps you are having trouble finding partners who share your preferred method of expressing love. If this is the case, there are resources available. Research has shown that therapy can help to improve communication between partners in romantic relationships, allowing for more satisfying and longer-lasting relationships overall.
Online therapy is one option at your disposal. Connecting with a licensed mental health professional can help us figure out our love language and understand ourselves and our partners better. It can also give us insight into the safe ways to explore physical touch and establish boundaries.